Yoga, a universal practice, transcends religious and cultural boundaries. It is a technology for inner well-being, accessible to anyone regardless of their background. Traditional Schools of Yoga, such as Jnana-yoga, Bhakti-yoga, Karma-yoga, and others, offer diverse paths toward the common goal of self-realisation.
Yogic practices contribute to health and wellness through Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, and more. Asanas bring stability to the body and mind, while Pranayama enhances breath awareness and control. Meditation (Dhyana) and integration (Samadhi) represent the essence of Yoga sadhana.
Yoga's impact extends to the psycho-physical realm, addressing the body, mind, emotion, and energy. The four classifications of Yoga—Karma, Bhakti, Gyana, and Kriya—offer diverse paths for individual growth.
In the realm of Yoga education, ancient traditions involved imparting wisdom within families and ashrams. Yoga education focuses on nurturing the individual's being and fostering balance, integrity, and truthfulness. It is an orientation towards self-improvement, making individuals valuable contributors to society, nature, and humanity.