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Ask an Expert to Buy Life Insurance

We're happy to know that you're prioritizing your family's future. Our life insurance expert will assist you in finding the best insurance plan. To schedule a call, please share some of the below details.

male male


male male


male male


Key features

Long Term Life Coverage

Get insurance cover till age 99 years


High Cover at Affordable Cost

Choose cover as per your requirement    


Flexible Premium Payment

Pay Premium: monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly 


Death Benefit

Death benefit can be taken as lumpsum, or monthly instalments for 5 years, depending on your family’s requirements


Tax Benefit

The premiums you pay and the benefits you receive are tax-free as per prevailing tax law, which help you save more.


How to buy IndiaFirst Life Elite Term Plan

Step 1

Enter your details

Fill in your name, mobile number, gender, date of birth, address and other required essentials. Ensure that the information is accurate and complete.


Step 2

Choose Life Cover amount for you

Select your life cover amount 


Step 3

Review your quote

A quote with premium amount will be generated. Please review all details and coverage options thoroughly to ensure their accuracy as any misinformation can impact your eligibility. 


Step 4

Payment options

Choose your preferred online mode of payment to complete the process and receive the policy. 


Visualize your Plan


40 Years

Jayesh, a 40-yr old bank manager, buys IndiaFirst Life Elite Term Plan with a Sum Assured of INR 1 Crore and coverage till age 80, to secure his wife and daughter’s future


40 - 41 Years

As he receives a 10% discount on his 1st year premium for buying the policy online, he pays an annual premium of Rs. 26,344 (Inclusive of GST) for the 1st year


42 - 53 Years

He pays an annual premium of Rs. 29,272 (Inclusive of GST) regularly from the 2nd year onwards


At 54 Years

Jayesh unfortunately passes away from an illness at age 54


Death Benefit

His wife, who is the nominee, gets  the Sum Assured of Rs. 1 Crore as a lumpsum and the policy terminates.


Eligibility Criteria

Age at Maturity

  • Maximum - 99 years

Age at Entry

  • Minimum - 18 years
  • Maximum - 65 years

Policy Term


5 years - 81 years

Min Premium

FrequencyMinimum Premium Amount (Rs.)
MonthlyRs 270
QuarterlyRs 803
Half-yearlyRs. 1,587
YearlyRs 3,100

Premium Mode


Monthly / Quarterly/ Half Yearly / Yearly

Premium Paying Term


Regular Premium: Same as chosen Policy Term

Minimum Sum Assured

Rs. 50 Lakhs

Maximum Sum Assured

No Limit subject to Board Approved Underwriting Policy

How people have benefitted from IndiaFirst Life

Hassle-free Onboarding Process

From the onboarding process to the comprehensive medical tests, IndiaFirst Life ensured a hassle-free journey for me. The features of the plan I purchased are as per my expectations, providing me with peace of mind for future.

Mohit Agarwal

(Mumbai, 21st March 2024)

How people have benefitted from IndiaFirst Life

Pleasant Online Buying Experience

Buying IndiaFirst Life's life-insurance policy was a pleasant experience for me. The hassle-free nature of interaction with the company's representative was a boon and so was the inclusion of must-have features in their policy plans.

Satyam Nagwekar

(Mumbai, 22nd March 2024)

How people have benefitted from IndiaFirst Life

Trusted ally in my financial journey

IndiaFirst Life's Radiant Smart Invest Plan has completely won me over! It's like having a trusted ally in my financial journey. With its flexible fund switch options, I've been able to craft my investments just as I envisioned. In just a year, I've seen a remarkable 20% return on my investments! The support from the onboarding team has been absolutely fantastic, making me feel truly cared for and supported.

Paulomi Banerjee

(Kolkata, 21st March 2024)

How can we help?

View All FAQ

What is IndiaFirst Life Elite Term Plan?


IndiaFirst Life Elite Term Plan is a pure protection plan which offers an insurance cover on your life till age 99. The policy secures your family and loved ones in case of your untimely demise. You can easily purchase the plan online.

What are the options to revive a lapsed policy?


You may revive the lapsed policy within 5 years from the due date of first unpaid regular premium but before the maturity date by:

  1. Submitting a written request to revive the lapsed Policy
  2. Paying all unpaid due remiums without any interest; and
  3. Providing a declaration of good health and undergoing a medical examination at your own cost, if needed.

 A lapsed policy will only be revived along with all its benefits in accordance with our board approved underwriting policy. The policy will terminate and you will not be entitled to receive any benefits, If the lapsed policy is not revived before the expiry of the revival period.

Can you surrender your policy?


No, there is no surrender value payable under this plan.

Can you cancel your policy?


Yes, you can cancel your policy if you disagree with any of the terms and conditions within 30 days (free look period) from receipt of your policy document, whether electronically or

otherwise. You can return the policy to us, while stating your specific objections. Request for cancellation of policy during free look period will be processed and premium will be refunded within 7 days of receipt of request.

Do you get any loan benefits under your policy?


Loan facility is not available under this policy.

What happens in case of submission of information which is false or incorrect?


Fraud/ Misstatement will be dealt with in accordance with provisions of Section 45 of the Insurance Act 1938, as amended from time to time.

What are the options to revive a lapsed policy?


You may revive the lapsed policy within 5 years from the due date of first unpaid regular premium but before the maturity date by:


  1. Submitting a written request to revive the lapsed Policy

  2. Paying all unpaid due remiums without any interest; and

  3. Providing a declaration of good health and undergoing a medical examination at your own cost, if needed.


A lapsed policy will only be revived along with all its benefits in accordance with our board approved underwriting policy. The policy will terminate and you will not be entitled to receive any benefits, If the lapsed policy is not revived before the expiry of the revival period.

Can you surrender your policy?


No, there is no surrender value payable under this plan.

Can you cancel your policy?


Yes, you can cancel your policy if you disagree with any of the terms and conditions within 30 days (free look period) from receipt of your policy document, whether electronically or otherwise. You can return the policy to us, while stating your specific objections. Request for cancellation of policy during free look period will be processed and premium will be refunded within 7 days of receipt of request.


We will return your premium as follows –


Premium paid less:


I. Risk Premium for the period you were covered under the policy

II. Charges towards medical examination, if any

III. Stamp duty charges

Do you get any loan benefits under your policy?


Loan facility is not available under this policy.

What happens in case of submission of information which is false or incorrect?


Fraud/ Misstatement will be dealt with in accordance with provisions of Section 45 of the Insurance Act 1938, as amended from time to time.

What happens if you miss paying premiums? Is there a grace period for missed premiums?


We provide a grace period of 30 days for Yearly, Half-Yearly or Quarterly premium mode and 15 days for Monthly premium mode. This period starts from the due date of each premium payment. All your policy benefits continue during this grace period. In case of death during the grace period, we will pay the sum assured to the nominee/appointee/legal heir after deducting the due premium.

If you do not pay your premiums before the end of the grace period, your life cover ceases, and your policy will lapse.

How much Premium do you need to pay?


Premium will depend on the life assured’s age, the policy term and the sum assured chosen.

The mode of premium payment and frequency will also impact the premium amount. The following premium frequency factors will apply on the yearly premium to avail of instalment premium. 


Premium FrequencyFactor To Be Applied To Yearly Premium
Half Yearly0.5119

What is the Sum Assured in this policy?


The Sum Assured under this policy will be higher of:


⦁ Sum Assured on Death

⦁ 10X theannualized premium

⦁ 105% of Total Premiums Paid (TPP) till date of death.


Customer to choose the Sum Assured on Death subject to minimum and maximum Sum Assured conditions as per Board approved underwriting policy. Premium will be calculated on the basis of Sum Assured chosen. Please refer to the eligibility criteria mentioned above for more details.

What is the benefit payable in case of the life assured’s demise? (Death Benefit)

Coverage OptionsDeath Benefit
Option: Life Benefit 

Sum Assured as a lumpsum amount is payable on the death of the life assured, during the term of the policy.

However, the nominee has an option to receive level monthly instalments over a period of 5 years.

The policy terminates once the full amount of benefit is paid out.

What do you receive at the end of the policy term? (Maturity Benefit)


There is no maturity or survival benefit payable under this policy. This is a non-participating pure term insurance policy.

What happens in case the life assured commits suicide?


In case of death due to suicide within 12 months from the date of commencement of risk under the policy or from the date of revival of the policy, as applicable, the nominee or beneficiary of the policyholder shall be entitled to 80% of the total premiums paid till the date of death or the surrender value available as on the date of death, whichever is higher, provided the policy is in force.

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Need a protection plan that is tailored especially for your needs? Look no further! This plan aims to give you and your family financial security in an easy and convenient way.

Product Benefits

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  • Tailormade plans
  • Flexibility to pay premiums at your convenience.
  • Insure your spouse in the same policy
  • Cover till 99 years of age 

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Product Description

A protection plan for your family that helps them stand independently! IndiaFirst Life Plan gives your family a financial cushion to fall back on in your absence.

Product Benefits

  • Flexibility to choose the duration 
  • Family will receive the payout
  • Flexibility to choose the assured amount

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Why Choose IndiaFirst Life Insurance Plans?

1.6 Crore

Lives secured since Inception


Available in 16,500+

BOB & UBI Branches


27,073 Crore

AUM as of Feb'2024


1 Day

Claim settlement assurance



For online policy purchase


1800 209 8700

Customer Care Number
